Last Week Tonight

John Oliver Criticized Obama On 'last Week Tonight' & You Might Have Missed It
John Oliver Criticized Obama On 'last Week Tonight' & You Might Have Missed It

... Images News/Getty Images. This is not the first time Oliver has criticized the Obama administration's drone strike policies. Back in 2014, Oliver remarked that drone strikes would become as much a part of Obama's legacy as Obamacare, and leveraged a poignant criticism of that fact. “When children from other countries are telling us that we’ve made them fear the sky, it might be time to ask some hard questions," Oliver pointed out at the time. During Sunday night's Obamacare segment, Oliver also suggested that Obama should not have made promises about Americans being able to keep their doctors and their healthcare plans. "The truth is, no one can promise that," Oliver said. "Insurers drop policies and doctors change networks all the time." He proceeded to analyze other practical concerns about ...

John Oliver Rips 'consistently Monstrous' Trump's Budget On 'last Week Tonight
John Oliver Rips 'consistently Monstrous' Trump's Budget On 'last Week Tonight

... to "the way Trump treats women." "Randomly singling out a few of them," Oliver said, "and then reducing them down to numbers.". Oliver attempted to see how the president's comments were translated into policy, but the comedian said Trump's statements sounded like "the audio book of A Farewell to Arms broadcast by an i Phone submerged in hot coffee." Oh, and unfortunately for Oliver, he admittedly doesn't speak "fluid toddler psychopath.". (Note: This clip is NSFW due to language.). As Oliver sees it, the EPA, State Department and U. S. Agency for International Development (USAID) are such a small part of the budget, Trump's cutting of funds was done not to save money but to give a metaphorical middle finger. "It is the budgetary equivalent of inviting Mitt Romney out to dinner at Jean-Georges before not offering him a cabinet position," Oliver declared, "and I will say that was awesome by the way. Trump is so consistently monstrous, sometimes out of sheer coincidence he happens to do something amazing.". What Oliver didn't think was amazing are "programs" he assumed would also face cuts in Tennessee, like the ...

Students Should Watch John Oliver’s Last Week Tonight
Students Should Watch John Oliver’s Last Week Tonight

... such topics as income inequality, the racism inherent in our political justice system and the death penalty. Oliver and his writers recognize that as many of our civic institutions become increasingly corrupt and decrepit, the most important ingredient of Last Week Tonight should not be cheap laughs, but deep truths. Many of his exposés have been true tour de forces of expository journalism. This is not to say that Oliver isn’t funny. He is. The show’s mirth frequently reduces me to joyful tears. Whether about student debt — “Essentially, student debt is like HPV. If you go to college, you’re almost certainly going to get it. And if you do, it will follow you for the rest of your life” — or cranberries — “Cranberries taste like cherries that hate you. Cranberries taste like what a raspberry drinks before a colonoscopy”  — his jibes are funny and poignant. His brand ...

John Oliver Gives Us The Word, From A To Z
John Oliver Gives Us The Word, From A To Z

... Schicklgruber. Last Week Tonight, HBO, March 19, 2017. About The Interrobang. Finding comedy in everything and everything in comedy. interrobang, in·ter·ro·bang [in-ter-uh-bang] ‽ (often represented by ?! / !?), is a nonstandard punctuation designed to combine the question mark (?) and the exclamation point (!), indicating a mixture of query and interjection, as after a rhetorical question. Focusing on the most interesting ! and ? in life, __link__ is a place to talk about the comedy in everything, and everything in comedy. From street corners to theaters, arenas, print, television, film, or even the White House, if it's funny, or should be, we're talking about it. We also continue to bring you everything happening in the news that's worth discussing, the best recommendations on the internet, and interviews with the most creative people on the planet. Interested in contributing? Hit us up on our contact page. Our Commenting Policy. We love when you leave comments and we encourage active discussion and debate throughout the site. ...

John Oliver Welcomes 'original Woke Bae' Dalai Lama To 'last Week Tonight
John Oliver Welcomes 'original Woke Bae' Dalai Lama To 'last Week Tonight

... 'Last Week Tonight' Become 'All Trump, All the Time'. "We'd like to talk about someone you may not have thought about for a while, the Dalai Lama," Oliver said at the top of this week's main Last Week Tonight segment. "A man so enlightened he's basically the original woke bae. According to a Gallup poll, the Dalai Lama is actually the sixth most admired man in America." Oliver, showing a clip of everyday Americans discussing what they admired about the Dalai Lama, then reminded everyone that the Chinese government has the exact opposite feelings. "Now the Chinese government, however, have a very different view," Oliver said. "Instead of vaguely loving the Dalai Lama, they very specifically hate him." That hate, Oliver said, is due to the dispute over Tibet. "The Chinese government's hatred of the Dalai Lama stems from its desire to maintain control of Tibet, a ...

John Oliver Says He Got More Ad Time To School Trump On American Health Care Act
John Oliver Says He Got More Ad Time To School Trump On American Health Care Act

... it does become law. "You may not have wanted it," Oliver said to the camera. "It looks awful, but it's here anyway. Try and think of it as the legislative equivalent of Pirates of the Caribbean 5: The Curse of Johnny Depp Getting Divorced & Needing the Money.". Among its faults, Oliver said the bill would severely cut federal funding for Medicaid and showed a CNN report which said it would give the wealthy large tax breaks. "So this plan is literally taking money from the poor and giving it to the very rich," Oliver said in summary. "It's essentially a reverse Bernie Sanders.". (Note: This clip is NSFW for language and brief nudity.). The Englishman also made fun of Trump for saying, "Nobody knew that health care could be so complicated.". "Everybody knew that," Oliver passionately retorted. "Everybody knew health care is complicated, literally everybody.". Everyone including Catheter Cowboy, who will be making another appearance in an ad during Fox & Friends Wednesday, so said Oliver. The buckaroo who simplifies complex issues with southern ...

Watch John Oliver Compare Obamacare Replacement To Thong Underwear
Watch John Oliver Compare Obamacare Replacement To Thong Underwear

... these obvious issues: "It made it illegal to deny people coverage because of pre-existing conditions," he said. "It let people stay on their parents' plans until age 26. It made preventive screenings free for everyone and created marketplaces where people could shop for insurance with potential subsidies. And between all that and Medicaid expansion, more than 20 million people gained coverage, putting our uninsured rate at a historic low.". Oliver admitted there have been major issues with the ACA, including an unreliable website, skyrocketing premiums, massive deductibles and Obama failing to keep his "empty promise" that customers could keep both their preferred doctors and health care plans. But Republicans haven't come up with any solutions yet. Suggested proposals include "high-risk pools ("which sound like something you'd find at Jeremy Piven's house), health savings accounts ("very fancy piggybanks"), block grants and refundable tax credits. "A tax credit that's so small it helps cover your health insurance the way a thong covers your dad’s ass," ...

Artist' Trump, 'madam Ghostbuster' Sean Spicer
Artist' Trump, 'madam Ghostbuster' Sean Spicer

... said it because he heard it on television’ is barely an acceptable excuse for why your parrot said a racial slur. ‘No, no, no, no, we’ve been watching The Wire! We’ve been watching The Wire.'”. Not even Fox News stood by the claims made by Napolitano, who appeared on Alex Jones’ Info Wars show in 2010 to spread a Sept. 11 terror attack conspiracy theory about the World Trade Center (“It’s hard for me to believe that it came down by itself”). “We love the judge, we love him here at Fox, but the Fox News division was never able to back up those claims and was never reported on this show,” Fox News anchor Bret Bair said last week. But despite reports that Spicer had apologized to the British government for the claims, the press secretary denied any mea culpa was issued. “I don’t think we regret ...

John Oliver's Transgender Student Rant On 'last Week Tonight' Speaks Truth To Trump
John Oliver's Transgender Student Rant On 'last Week Tonight' Speaks Truth To Trump

... Administration rolled back Obama-era protections for these kids in public schools, and Oliver is none too happy about it. The Last Week Tonight rant Oliver gave on transgender student protections can't be missed because he makes an epic point regarding Trump. As you probably know, Trump's Departments of Justice and Education released memos last week ending the protections that were established under Obama. In case the finer points aren't clear, Oliver broke it down for you. All the guidelines recommended were that students be called by their preferred name and pronoun, be allowed to use the restrooms and locker rooms consistent with their gender identity, and regardless of gender, be able to wear a tux to prom or a dress in yearbook photos, which is a good rule. "If the government wants to address an actual problem with ...

Dalai Lama On 'last Week Tonight With John Oliver
Dalai Lama On 'last Week Tonight With John Oliver

... Dalai Lama teases China who is describing him as a demon. The Dalai Lama was interviewed on Sunday during Last Week Tonight with John Oliver. The resulting conversation was endearing and educational. The Dalai Lama is regarded as Tibetab Buddhists' spiritual figure-head. He lives in exile in India after he fled from China occupied Tibet in the 1950 s. Since then, he made India his home, and served as leader of Tibetan government in exile up to the time he retired in 2011. The Dalai Lama continues to be spiritual leader of the Tibetan Buddhists. Tweet This. Oliver started his program by sharing the relevant background information concerning Tibet, then proceeded to air the segment of the interview he recorded with Dalai Lama. It is to be noted he had visited India for this interaction. The first part of the interview consisted about Oliver saying the Dalai Lama was hated by the Chinese Government, saying that a Chinese Government functionary has described his Holines as wolf swaddled in the clothes of a monk. Oliver even playfully asked the Dalai Lama that he does not ...

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