Kerry O Grady

L'agente Spéciale Américaine Risque Gros Pour Avoir Exprimé Son Opinion
L'agente Spéciale Américaine Risque Gros Pour Avoir Exprimé Son Opinion

... mardi par le Washington Examiner , lui vaut aujourd’hui d’être sous le coup de possibles sanctions. "Tous les agents et employés du Secret Service sont tenus de respecter les standards les plus élevées en matière de déontologie et d'éthique", a fait savoir une porte-parole de l’agence auprès du Washington Post , soulignant que "toute allégation de mauvaise conduite était prise au sérieux et examinée rapidement". Selon un fonctionnaire de l'administration américaine cité par le quotidien de la capitale, la question sera tranchée prochainement par la direction du Secret Service. L’agente spéciale risque gros. Une loi, le Hatch Act , mentionnée par Kerry O’Grady dans son post Facebook, interdit aux fonctionnaires de l’Etat fédéraux d’exprimer leurs opinions politiques. Et les mesures disciplinaires peuvent aller jusqu’à la révocation. Kerry O’Grady regrette et se défend. Dans une interview accordée au Washington Examiner , ...

Trump On Immigration; Paris Jackson On Assault, Suicide Attempts; Hip-hop's Q
Trump On Immigration; Paris Jackson On Assault, Suicide Attempts; Hip-hop's Q

... I struggle not to violate the Hatch Act. So I keep quiet and skirt the median. To do otherwise can be a criminal offense for those in my position. Despite the fact that I am expected to take a bullet for both sides. But this world has changed and I have changed. And I would take jail time over a bullet or an endorsement for what I believe to be disaster to this country and the strong and amazing women and minorities who reside here. Hatch Act be damned. I am with Her." The Hatch Act prohibits most employees in the executive branch from engaging in forms of political activity. 5. Supreme Court nominee: President Trump has narrowed his choice for Supreme Court nominee to three men, and will announce his final choice in the coming days, according to sources. Judges William Pryor, Neil Gorsuch and Thomas Hardiman are said to be in the running to fill the seat of the ...

Ville Ikke Stå I Vejen For Trump, Hvis Han Blev Skudt
Ville Ikke Stå I Vejen For Trump, Hvis Han Blev Skudt

... ville over for kvinder. Blandt andet at han kunne 'tage dem i fissen'. Secret Service-agenten har til Washington Examiner fortalt, at hun straks fortrød, at hun havde skrevet opslaget, da hun føler, det er hendes holdning, men at hun går mere op i at gøre sit arbejde og tjene hos Secret Service. »Jeg anerkender, at agenturet (Secret Service, red.) er det vigtigste for mig. My regering er det vigtigste for mig. Jeg tjener for præsidentens skyld, men jeg har stadig min ytringsfrihed til at sige ting,« fortæller hun det amerikanske medie. Læs også. Forsker afslører: Donald Trump har samme forfædre som Dronning Margrethe. Kerry O'Grady har angiveligt ikke nævnt Donald Trump ved navn i sine opdateringer, men hendes holdninger har alligevel været så tydelige og markante, at Secret Service selv er gået ind i sagen, skriver CNN. Agenturet nævner ikke konkrete navne eller sager, men anerkender, at man i øjeblikket undersøger ansatte for at ytre sig politisk. 'Alle Secret Service-agenter og ansatte bliver holdt op mod de højeste standarder inden for professionel og etisk adfærd. ...

Critican A Agente Del Servicio Secreto Por Comentarios Contra Trump
Critican A Agente Del Servicio Secreto Por Comentarios Contra Trump

... de que fuera el presidente. Un portavoz del Servicio Secreto confirmó que la agencia estaba enterada de la publicación en Facebook hecha por la agente especial Kerry O’Grady, pero no ahondaron en el caso porque es una cuestión de carácter personal. Kerry O’Grady. Foto de Twitter. La publicación fue reportada escrita en octubre, pero volvió a salir a la luz gracias a un artículo del Washington Examiner. Captura de pantalla de la opinión de la agente han estado circulando en redes sociales, recibiendo muchas críticas donde miles piden que sea despedida. “Como una funcionaria pública durante casi 23 años, lucho para no violar el Hatch Act. Así que me callo. Hacer lo contrario puede ser un delito penal para los que están en mi posición. A pesar del hecho de que todos esperan que reciba una bala por ambos candidatos (cuando lleguen a la presidencia). Pero este mundo ha cambiado y yo he cambiado. Y prefiero estar algún tiempo en la cárcel que recibir una bala por lo que creo que es un desastre para este país y para todas las mujeres fuertes y asombrosas y las minorías que residen aquí. El ...

Abd'li Gizli Servis Elemanı
Abd'li Gizli Servis Elemanı

... Sputnik’teki kullanıcı hesapları veya sosyal ağ hesaplarıyla kullanıcıların tescil edilmesi ve yetkilendirilmesi aşağıdaki kuralların kullanıcılar tarafından bilindiğini ve kabul edildiğini gösterir. Kullanıcılar ulusal ve uluslararası kurallara riayet etmek, görüşmelerdeki diğer katılımcı ve gönderilerde adı geçen kişilere karşı saygılı davranmak zorundadır. Site yönetimi, sitenin genel kullanımı dışındaki herhangi bir dilde yapılan her türlü yorumu silme hakkına sahiptir. __link__’un bütün dillerdeki yayınlarına gönderilen her türlü yorum üzerinde oynama yapılabilir. Kullanıcı yorumları aşağıdaki durumlar halinde silinecektir. Mevcut gönderiyle alakalı değilse. Herhangi bir ırkçı, etnik, cinsiyetçi, dini veya içtimai esasa dayalı nefret söylemi ve ayrımcılık içeriyor ise veya azınlık hakları ihlal ediliyorsa. Ruhsal veya başka bir yönden zarar vererek, çocuk hakları ihlal ediliyorsa. Herhangi bir aşırı düşünce içeriyor veya yasa dışı eylemlere teşvik ediyorsa. Başka kullanıcılara, kişilere veya özel kuruluşa yönelik tehdit, itibara zarar verme veya ticari şöhret zedelemeye yönelik bir söylem içeriyorsa. Sputnik’e yönelik ...

Trump's Inauguration Speech Was 'full Of Hope And Inclusion
Trump's Inauguration Speech Was 'full Of Hope And Inclusion

... to you,” he said, before ticking off goals: “We will build new roads, and highways, and bridges, and airports, and tunnels, and railways all across our wonderful nation. We will get our people off of welfare and back to work, rebuilding our country with American hands and American labor. We will follow two simple rules: Buy American and hire American.”. Trump capped his speech with his famous phrase: “Together, we will make America great again.”. Jackson says Trump must back up his rhetoric with action. “I’m hopeful. There’s an awful lot of damage done that needs to be cleaned up,” he said. “The campaign was very divisive and very painful… Referring to President Barack (Obama) as the founder of ISIS, Hillary (Clinton) as a nasty woman. He’ll have to have to clean that stuff up and then put forth some ...

Ville Ikke Stå I Vejen For Trump, Hvis Han Blev Skudt
Ville Ikke Stå I Vejen For Trump, Hvis Han Blev Skudt

... at beskytte den amerikanske præsident, der fra den 20. januar har heddet Donald Trump. Hun risikerer nu at miste sit job på grund af en række udtalelser på nettet, der kritiserer Trump. Det skriver mediet Washington Examiner. Kerry O'Grady arbejder for Secret Service i Denver og skrev i perioden op til det amerikanske valg en række udtalelser på sin Facebook-profil, hvor hun kritiserede Donald Trump og meldte offentligt ud omkring sin støtte til Hillary Clinton. Alle hendes Facebook-opdatering med politisk indhold er siden da blevet slettet, men Washinton Examiner har formået at gemme mindst en af de pågældende opdateringer. Læs også. Trump vil bygge gigantisk hotel i ferieparadis: Strider imod lokalbefolkningens regler. Her åbner Kerry O'Grady om nogle af de kvaler, hun har haft ved at se magten gå til Donald Trump. 'Som en folkets tjener i næsten 23 år kæmper jeg for ikke at overtræde 'Hatch Act'. Så jeg tier og følger medianen. At ...

Amerikaanse Veiligheidsagente Niet Bereid Om Kogel Op Te Vangen Voor Trump
Amerikaanse Veiligheidsagente Niet Bereid Om Kogel Op Te Vangen Voor Trump

... voor alle trips van de president, zijn vice-president en Trumps regeringsleden naar de regio. Lees ook. Celstraf boven kogel. © Facebook. De voorbije maanden liet de vrouw haar minachting voor Trump blijken op Facebook. Medewerkers van de geheime dienst vallen echter onder de Hatch Act: die bepaalt dat het voor leden van de Amerikaanse geheime dienst verboden is om via sociale media uitspraken te doen waaruit hun politieke voor- of afkeur blijkt. "Na bijna 23 jaar als ambtenaar heb ik er moeite mee om de Hatch Act niet te overtreden. Dus ik blijf stil en houd me in het midden," schreef ze. "Dat niet doen kan een overtreding zijn voor iemand in mijn positie. Ondanks het feit dat ik verwacht word om voor beide kanten een kogel op te vangen. Maar de wereld is veranderd en ik ben veranderd. En ik zou een celstraf verkiezen boven een kogel of boven steun aan iets waarvan ik geloof dat het een ramp zou zijn voor dit land en de sterke, geweldige vrouwen en minderheden die hier wonen. De pot op met de Hatch Act. Ik steun Haar.". Met 'Haar' verwijst ze naar Hillary Clinton, Trumps Democratische tegenstander tijdens de verkiezingen. Zelf aangerand. "Ik dien de president, ...

Wolę Więzienie, Niż Przyjąć Kulę Dla Donalda Trumpa
Wolę Więzienie, Niż Przyjąć Kulę Dla Donalda Trumpa

... nich __link__., iż pracuje w służbie publicznej prawie 23 lata i do tej pory milczała ws. swoich przekonań. Jak oświadczyła, zdaje sobie sprawę, że jej wpisy mogą być wzięte za przestępstwo, mimo to decyduje się opublikować swoje stanowisko, bo "świat się zmienił i ona się zmieniła". Wyjaśniła, że wolałaby iść do więzienia, niż oddać życie "przyjmując kulę lub poprzeć kogoś", kto - według niej - "jest katastrofą dla tego kraju, silnych, niesamowitych kobiet i mniejszości, które tu mieszkają". "Jestem z nią" - kończy się wpis, przytaczany przez amerykańskie media, w którym agentka deklaruje swoje poparcie dla ówczesnej rywalki Trumpa - Hillary Clinton. "Washington Examiner" wskazuje, że choć we wpisach O'Grady nigdy nie padło nazwisko Trumpa, z kontekstu wypowiedzi łatwo się zorientować, o kogo chodzi. 🔥YOU'RE FIRED. — Tennessee GOP (@TEN_GOP) 24 stycznia 2017. Kontrowersjami wokół swojej agentki zainteresował się też Secret Service. Agencja ...

Secret Service Agent Kerry O'grady Investigated For Anti-trump Remarks
Secret Service Agent Kerry O'grady Investigated For Anti-trump Remarks

... condemnations of President Trump during the past seven months, including one in which she said she wouldn't want to "take a bullet" for him. She explained herself saying she viewed his presidential candidacy as a "disaster" for the country, and especially for women and minorities. Kerry O'Grady, the special agent in charge of the Secret Service's Denver district, oversees coordination with Washington-based advance teams for all presidential candidate and presidential trips to the area, including all upcoming or future trips by the president, vice president or Trump administration officials. Despite her senior security role, she has made her disdain for Trump and his incoming administration clear to her Facebook followers, who included current and former Secret Service agents and other people who were employees at the time of the posts. O'Grady's posts triggered at least one ...

Man Not Hurt Trying To Show Off 'scuba Bon
Man Not Hurt Trying To Show Off 'scuba Bon

... website describes an incident on Sept. 15 in which a 27-year-old man was demonstrating a "scuba bong" for his friends when it exploded. Boston police spokeswoman Officer Rachel Mc Guire says no such incidents were reported to them on that day. An image accompanying the story of the supposed victim being taken into an ambulance by emergency personnel is from a 2010 Boston Globe article about an unrelated incident. The website Is That __link__ shared a story about the same incident taking place in Calgary, Alberta, last year involving a man with a different name and age. But Calgary police Constable Riley Babott tells The Associated Press they've had "no such complaints" made to them in the last five years. This story is part of an ongoing Associated Press effort to fact-check claims in suspected false news stories. After her Rolling Stone interview, Paris Jackson sent a forceful message to the media. Published: Wednesday, January 25, 2017 @ 11:18 PM. Updated: Wednesday, January 25, 2017 @ 11:47 PM. By: __link__. BEVERLY HILLS, CA - JANUARY 08: Actress Paris Jackson arrives at the 18 th Annual Post-Golden ...

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